Acadia Beach

The weather conditions have looked promising for a great sunset for the past three nights, but on Monday and Tuesday, a bank of thick cloud came in from the west about an hour before sunset and resulted in disappointment. Tonight, however, was certainly no disappointment!

As the sun sets relatively far to the north at the moment, I took a trip to Acadia Beach near UBC to get a clear view. The tide was all the way in, so there was very little beach left, but I was fortunate enough to find these two logs at high water, and was able to set up the camera with it only occasionally being splashed.

The sunset itself was impressive, but the wispy clouds across the sky promised an even more strong, colourful display shortly after the sun had set, and that was indeed the case. Despite the high tide, there were plenty of people on the beach watching the display in amazement!

I wanted to capture the water washing over the right-most log in this shot, so needed a relatively short shutter speed, despite the sun already having set and light levels dropping, so I increased the ISO to 800, while keeping an aperture of f/16 as the nearest point of the log was only a few inches from the camera. This gave me a shutter speed of just over half a second, fast enough to catch the motion of the water.

beach golden hour seascape vancouver
Lens Camera